21 Day Challenge

Day 8: Heart Check May

Read Luke 6:45

My grandfather died of a heart attack when I was just a little boy. Two of my uncles also died from the same problem.  It’s not a secret to say that we have a family history of heart disease. And I’m trying to prevent a heart problem as much as I can. I exercise regularly, try to eat healthy food, don’t smoke, take certain minerals and even track my blood pressure. In fact, you could say I do those things “religiously.”

I wish I could tell you that I’ve always paid the same attention to my spiritual “heart.” Truth is… I haven’t. One sure sign that I’ve neglected my spiritual heart is the words I use.

At this point in my life, I’m usually not tempted by profanity.  Spiritual heart disease more often shows up in me through impatient or thoughtless words. It’s no wonder Jesus reminded us to pay attention to the condition of our spiritual hearts since,

“…what you say flows from what is in your heart.”

Luke 6:45b NLT

Furthermore, if the second greatest command is to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31), shouldn’t I be concerned that spiritual heart disease will impact the words I use with my neighbor that I’m supposed to love?

Could I challenge you to do something? Take your blood pressure.  Use the blood pressure machine in your house or at your doctor’s office or drugstore to determine what your physical blood pressure is. Use that little exercise as a reminder to assess the condition of your spiritual heart.

Pastor Bob

Today's Challenge

How is the condition of your spiritual heart?

Ask yourself, “What have my words said today about the condition of my spiritual heart?” Then, ask God to give you the grace and insight to write a note from your heart to someone who might need to hear a word of encouragement today.