Start Serving

Looking for something more?

Whether you’re brand new to faith or have been around it your whole life, there’s always a next step! If you’re interested in serving at Grace, fill out the form at the link below. There’s a place for everyone!

                           Start Serving                       

If you would like more information on how to connect at Grace Church, email

Grace Kids

Grace Kids is for children from birth through fifth grade. Our goal is to creatively lead and teach kids and their families towards life change! If you are interested in serving in Grace Kids, we’d love to start the conversation with you.

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First Impressions

It’s our desire for people to not only hear the gospel, but to experience the gospel from the moment they set foot on our campus to when they leave. We hope to create valuable connections and positive encounters with everyone. Volunteers in First Impressions specialize in hospitality as they serve in a variety of roles including Guest Services, Safety Team, Coffee Kiosk, Office Receptionist, Set Up/Tear Down, and Maintenance.

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Our production team includes our volunteers who work as camera operators, lighting and audio, vocalists and instrumentalists, and even more!

Start Serving Contemporary Band Auditions


Next Steps

Life is better together! And Grace Groups help make that happen! If you’re interested in being a group leader, connecting with people on Sunday mornings, or being a part of our care and prayer team, sign up here.

Start Serving