Financial Freedom

Grace Church wants to help you have dollars and sense.
We believe it all belongs to God and we want you to have the freedom to actually live that way.

90 Day Challenge

The Bible asks us to give our first and our best back to God, and He will bless the rest. We return to the Lord 10% of what He’s given us because it belongs to Him.

If you’re not tithing already, a great way to start is with the Three-Month Tithe Challenge. It’s based on the promises of God in Malachi 3:10, and essentially it’s a money-back guarantee of sorts.

“Test me in this … and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”   Malachi 3:10 NIV

Money Back Guarantee.

If you tithe for three months and don’t see God’s blessings in your life, we will refund 100% of your tithe.

Take The Challenge

Giving Generously

God calls us to be generous. Check out this video on what God has to say about giving.

Giving Generously

Financial Sense

Are the chains of debt holding you back?
Check out this tip to help you remove the shackles and live like God intended.

Debt Reduction

Did you know that money can actually buy you happiness? The question you should ask is, “Are you seeking happiness or joy?”

Money Can Buy You Happiness

The steps to becoming financially healthy are not difficult, but vital to your long term goals. Take 1 minute to check out these helpful tips to help launch you to financial freedom.

Save Like a Pro

Resource List

5 Building Blocks to Financial Freedom
Financial Peace Revisited
– Dave Ramsey
The Money Challenge – Art Rainer
The Total Money Makeover – Dave Ramsey
Managing God’s Money: A Biblical Guide – Randy Alcorn

If you need help with a budget, here’s a PIE CHART with the recommended allowances.

Give us a call at 330.264.9459 to work through a plan for financial freedom.

Life is never easy but it is easier together.