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Watch our sermons here any time on demand!
Watch, re-watch or share our current and past Sunday morning services. Messages are organized by date and sermon series!
Read about what God’s been doing recently in and through Grace Church.
The Grace Church App can be found by searching “Grace for Ohio” on the iTunes AppStore, Google Play, Windows Phone and Amazon AppStore.
Access a storehouse of stories and articles including: missions updates, #forwaynecounty emphases, human interest stories and other written communication pieces.
GraceLink is an online community and communication hub for Grace Church! It’s a powerful tool that will help you connect, communicate, serve and build community at Grace.
GraceLink features:
Watch or listen to our podcasts!
The Full Life podcast will inspire, challenge and clarify your next steps in faith.
Full Life Podcast
The On Mission podcast: Discussions with those leading the charge of advancing the Gospel throughout the world.
On Mission Podcast on Spotify
On Mission Podcast on Apple Podcasts
Listen to our weekly sermons on the go!
Weekly sermons on Spotify
Weekly sermons on Apple Podcasts
Access to our digital giving portal designed for safe, secure and fast online giving.
At Grace Church, we want to share the love of Christ with people all around the world. Sometimes we send people to the nations of the world. Other times we reach out to the nations of the world who have come to us. Join us as we share life change to the nations!
Cant find what you’re looking for or have more specific questions? Shoot us an email, we’d love to hear from you. You can also call our offices at 330-264-9459.