Are you ready for what’s NEXT?

We believe it’s time for Grace Church to enter into the chapter of ministry, and that’s what NEXT is all about. It’s time to enter a season of faith and trust in God to do what only He can do. 

IMAGINE Grace Church with a renewed footprint in Wooster, growing its footprint in Medina, and expanding the footprint to a third location. 

IMAGINE a Town Center lobby space that is easily accessible from all parking lots and an obvious entrance point for guests and flows well for families.

IMAGINE a centralized kids space with a better flow for families to know their child is safe and learning about Jesus on their level.

IMAGINE a worship venue with great sight lines, a dynamic setup for live broadcast to other locations and space to grow our Wooster Campus to 3,000+.

IMAGINE securing ministry space for the Medina Campus, preparing for a third location, and investing further in our commitment to missions.

Keep scrolling to learn more about the stewardship campaign or give online.


Give a One-Time Gift or Set up Reoccurring Gifts:

Give Online

Set up a Giving Pledge for the Next 3 Years: 

Set up Giving Pledge

NEXT Sermon Resources:

NEXT Linktree

NEXT Projects & Details

As part of the NEXT Campaign, we are focusing on compassion, leadership development, and church planting projects locally and all around the world as a part of the NEXT Campaign, which you can learn more about here.

NEXT Projects

NEXT Campaign Details

Within this booklet, you’ll find issues the current buildings are facing, updated renderings, the estimated budget, and an FAQ.

A Season of Faith

Before financially committing, you’re invited to a 21 Day Spiritual Journey. It will be a time to deepen your relationship with God and grow your heart for God’s mission for the church to make disciples.

Sign up to receive daily devotion emails or download a digital copy of the 21-Day Spiritual Journey booklet at the link below. 

21 Day Spiritual Journey Digital Commitment Card

21 Day Spiritual Journey Resources

NEXT Sermon Series

For the past 85 years, Grace Church has seen a lot of change, but the message has stayed the same. Watch the messages from Pastor Nick below Watch this message as he shares what God might have NEXT for Grace Church and how that affects each of our personal stories.