21 Day Challenge

Day 6: Expect the Best! April

Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-13

We live in uncertain times. The events around the world cause us to live in a constant state of mistrust. Ever noticed? Have you noticed how cynical we are? We tend to assume the worst in people. When we see a homeless person asking for money we jump straight to the conclusion that they are too lazy to find a job. When we walk in a parking lot late at night and we see a man that looks different than us we speed up our walk in fear of danger. The sad truth is we are living our lives expecting the worst from the people around us, which according to these verses is the absence of love.

These verses are packed with so much, but I want to focus on one key phrase in this passage. [Love] always hopes (v. 7). Hope is the one characteristic of love that can change cynicism into tender heartedness. Jesus is the perfect example of always believing the best about us even though we have only given him reason to believe the worst. Look at this verse from the book of Romans:

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

Love sees the best in other people. Jesus saw through our broken sin filled lives and focused on the amazing potential we have in Him. In the same way we are challenged to see the best in the people around us. We are called as followers of Christ to always have hope for the future. To always hope for the best in each other. Love, just like Jesus’ love for us, is the only way for us to break through the barrier of our cynical hearts and allow us to see the best in other people.

Taylor Fike

Today's Challenge

Expect the best!

What if today you decided that you were going to look at every person exactly like Jesus looks at you with hope for the best? Try that today with your family, your friends, and your co-workers. Looking at people the way Jesus sees them can drastically change your words towards them.  Instead of tearing people down today because of what you assume, see the best in them and love them with your words.