Tim Boucher, Grace Kids Director WOW! There are some days when God shows up and does more than we could ever ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3: 20-21) Wednesday at Grace Kids …
Thanks for praying for our SoCal Team! We had a great week serving Jesus all the way on the other side of the country and have so much to share! …
Between Merge Camp and Beyond Camp our 5th-8th graders and leaders have been very busy! We are excited to have a front row seat to the life change that is happening …
Pastor Nick Cleveland I’ve been a dad for 10 years when our oldest has his birthday next week. We have 3 children so we’ve had someone in diapers consistently for 10 …
Last weekend I had the privilege of teaching Grace Church about how to breakthrough worry. (You can watch the sermon here: https://graceforohio.org/series/break-through/). Not necessarily out of the ordinary since the …
Corey Rehm The first time that Communion came up after I started attending Grace, I avoided it. The next time around I decided to give it a chance. I convinced my …
This is Wayne County. Where high school sports rule Friday night, the fair rules September and the College of Wooster/Witt rivalry is a must see. Where farmer meets upwardly mobile …
Single people, I say this in love: If you post about “Singles Awareness Day” tomorrow, then congrats - You STINK at being single. I get it. I’m single, too, and …