This is Wayne County.  Where high school sports rule Friday night, the fair rules September and the College of Wooster/Witt rivalry is a must see.  Where farmer meets upwardly mobile and where small bustling city meets village farmland.  But even though we are a collection of different communities and diverse people all bundled up as one, we all have one thing in common… we are Wayne County.  This is home.

I love being a part of a church that shares my love for Wayne County.  Watching our church inspire our community to come together to meet the needs of people has been nothing short of overwhelming!  We’ve truly seen an unstoppable movement of people helping people.  There is something so attractive about this “no-strings attached” kind of love.  That’s how Jesus loved, and it’s been such a privilege to serve alongside all of you to help make Jesus famous!

Let’s praise Him for the generosity of people helping people in Wayne County.  This stuff doesn’t get old!  Here’s a long overdue #forwaynecounty update:

  • The Wayne County Fair:  Our community came together and provided ONE MILLION meals to people in our county.  Praise God!
  • The Greatest Gift Christmas Offering: Through the generosity of people at Grace we were able to finish up the Wayne County Fair project AND help Wayne Metropolitan Housing Authority build a handicap accessible home for a couple with disabilities.  Praise God!
  • Weekend Snacks: Grace Groups provided weekend snacks for students that are food insecure and take part in government funded breakfasts, lunches and dinners during the school week.
  • Educators’ Breakfast: Wooster City School teachers and staff were treated to bagels delivered by several Wooster City School parents from Grace Church, thanking them for being for Wayne County every day as they invest in the next generation. Praise God!
  • Mentoring Program: Middle school can be hard and some students and families need help building healthy relationships between mentors, parents, students and school.  Grace came alongside OHuddle, a mentorship program, to help forge and foster relationships.  Praise God!
  • Other: Grace Groups (student and adult) are serving in #forwaynecounty projects all the time.  Groups help with everything from painting, to cleaning, to roofing, to moving, to helping out at local nonprofits.  Praise God!

Maybe you’ve been asking, “What’s next for #forwaynecounty?”  The answer is simple.  It’s you.  It’s me.  Working to make our home a better place.  It’s representing Jesus where we live and work.  It’s leveraging what we have to care for others around us.  That’s what Jesus did.  Grace Church isn’t stopping here.  We plan to continue to bless our community every chance we get.

Wayne County is our home.  If we aren’t for Wayne County, who will be?

Learn more at #forwaynecounty