Unsettling. Disconcerting. Troubling. Confusing. Perplexing. Not exactly descriptions you’d anticipate to what should have been some of the best news ever announced. Whenever there’s a pregnancy, everyone is supposed to rejoice. The …
It had to have been a shock. Could it be? Could it be true that his fiancée was actually pregnant! And he wasn’t the dad! So, who could it be? How humiliating! …
Longings. We all have them. Some of our longings are physical, like food and water or material comforts. Some can be emotional, like love or belonging. Some can be spiritual, like …
No one likes to wait. Sure, we can talk about the “excitement of anticipation,” but let’s face it, we want what we want, when we want it, and how we …
What is it about the underdog that we like? We root for them. We pull for them. We feel sorry for them. We feel like they get treated unjustly. Bottom line: …
Everyone likes good news! Who doesn’t? Birth announcement? Good news! Favorable report from the doctor? Good news! Straight A’s? Good news! Your kid gets accepted to their dream school? Good news! You land your dream …
We don’t see it much any more in the modern era of online reservations and travel sites. But it used to be more of a thing when people traveled. Motels …
There was a song popularized several years ago, but you can still hear it today played among all the other Christmas songs. The words give us some insight into the …
David Lawson We may never be more like God than when we give. After all, the Lord is the most generous giver of all. The Apostle Paul didn’t even have the …