High School / Middle School

Grace Students

Sunday nights at 6pm (doors open at 5:30pm) students in grades 7th – 12th gather to connect with God. Church doesn’t have to be boring, so we create a place to hang out with friends and have fun.  Our service celebrates God and dives head first into relevant issues that students deal with every day. It doesn’t matter if you’ve gone to church your entire life or are just beginning, we’re a group of students where you can belong. Come and check it out!

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

We exist to develop all students into fully devoted followers of Christ.  All 7th – 12th grade students are invited to our weekend service for an energetic and inviting time of fun, laughter, learning and worshiping God.

Student Grace Groups

Here at Grace, we believe that life is better together. Grace Groups are for 7th-12th graders and they meet Sunday evenings after our services during the school year.  This is a time to grow in your faith through connection with others: girls with girls; guys with guys, all based on age/grade. Come have fun with friends, honestly discuss real life issues and find out what the Bible has to say about your life. Each group is led by hand picked adult leaders who desire to see you grow!

Student Grace Groups meet after our Sunday night services starting September 15.

Student Grace Group Registration

Interested in leading a group? Click here to see if that is your next step!
Questions? Contact Cathy at csimms@woostergrace.org or 330.264.9459 x260


Grace Students exists to develop all students into fully devoted followers of Christ! With over 7,500 High School students in Wayne County alone, we have a giant mission to accomplish together … and one that can’t be done without you! It is our desire to see students who are hurting, lonely, and without hope find new and satisfying life in Jesus Christ!

We believe that when a caring adult is involved in a life of a student, good things happen. Will you consider being one of those adults with our 7th-12th grade students? If you are interested in being a leader, there are a few steps involved:

1) Application: Fill it out HERE.

2) Next Steps Conversation: A Grace Students team member will contact you and set up a meeting to see if serving with students is the next step for you.

3) Background Check: All leaders must be cleared before they can serve with students.

Please begin this process and we look forward to partnering with you to reach students!
Questions? Contact Cathy at csimms@woostergrace.org or 330.264.9459 x260


Parent Updates

Are you a parent of a student?
Click here to sign up for our Monthly Grace Students Parent Update!