Today is a big day for the Cleveland Family!
After nearly 4 months of living in temporary housing we begin the process of moving back into our house…we’re coming home! It might not be as epic as LeBron’s return to Cleveland but I can hear Skylar Grey’s voice in the background singing, “Tell the world I’m coming home!”
The last 4 months of our lives have been a journey, a process, and an experience that has changed us forever and introduced us to many new people, many new ideas, and has also deepened our faith. And while the journey and process is far from over today we are so thankful to say, we’re coming home!
Here are some of the highlights and impressions of the last few months:
It’s gone fast. When I think about the fact that we virtually rebuilt 90% of our home from the ground up and how quickly it’s all come together I’m amazed by our crew and how quickly it’s gone. For that we’re grateful to God for His new mercies every day.
It’s gone slow. There have been challenging days. We were told by those who’ve gone through it that there would be “ups” and “downs” and oh man they were right. At times the pace has felt slow and that’s been good because we’ve made many decisions. Other times it’s been hard not to push to make it go quicker.
It’s been good. We’ve met so many amazing people from our contractor to subcontractors, community members, and builders. The people we’ve met have been a gift from God to us. And while the media talks about the illness of people these days we’ve met the generosity of so many. It’s blown us away how generous people have been to us with their time, their treasure, and their talent. It’s been good.
It’s been hard. Grieving the loss of our stuff and the security for our family was not easy. We’ve had to make so many decisions so quickly. We’ve had to make lots of decisions and often they’ve been hard ones. Along with trying to raise our kids and learn our new role at the church it hasn’t been easy, but remember it’s been good. One bathroom for a family of 5 has had some moments we’ve really enjoyed but others that have simply made us annoyed.
It’s not over. While we know moving into our house is a real blessing the process is still going on and we will have more decisions to make. But at least moving in we can focus on the remaining decisions without being too overwhelmed. And then there’s the fact that the process had shaped our character and that will never be over.
It’s time! For 4 months we’ve been in transition and now that our house is finished and we get to move back in it’s time for us to make our house into a home! It’s time…we’re coming home!
In July we had a fire. Later that month you gave us a house. Today we’re going home! #hisloveenduresforever.
It doesn’t seem like enough but ‘thank you’! Thank you to Rainbow Restoration and Shrock Homes and your entire crew! Thank you to our church for their patience, support, and love. Thank you to our friends for your loyalty and encouragement. Thank you to the community for your support and help to rebuild and restore. We are a thankful family as we’ve met tragedy in the face and seen blessings pour over it by the power of God! Thank you Father for your love…it really does endure forever!
Today, we’re coming home!
Pastor Nick