“Asia’s Hope is transforming lives around the world with two extraordinary ideas: that an orphanage can be a real family – and that all of us can lead courageously on behalf of the world’s most vulnerable children.”
It has been an extraordinary privilege to partner with Asia’s Hope for the past 15 years. A grassroots organization that began in 2001, with a member of our Grace Church pastoral team and another co-founder has grown into a thriving independent organization, garnering multi-church support and providing families to orphans across Cambodia, Thailand and most recently, India. God is working and it’s exciting to be a part of their ministry.
If you’re not familiar with Asia’s Hope, their model is inspiring. Basically, a church supports a home and the home operates as a family. In order to keep the homes from being institutionalized, they hire Godly couples as Directors… but the secret ingredient is that “Directors” is really just a fancy word for “Parents.” These Directors become real fathers and mothers to the kids and they run a family instead of a home. They raise their own biological children alongside the 20-25 other children in the home and they do it with grace and truth. They function together… they cook together, they clean together, they pray together, they do homework together and go to church together. Asia’s Hope is interested in long-term care for these kids so they can be educated (primary and secondary education) and thrive as adults in their culture. Their approach is humble, but aggressive, striving toward international partnerships and interdependence to support and care for orphaned children at high risk of sexual and economic exploitation. The work isn’t easy, but it is making a difference.
Grace Church supports four Orphan Homes, two in Wiang Pa Pow, Thailand and two in Battambang, Cambodia. A simple photo of these children will melt your heart, not to mention their stories. We talk a lot about our commitment to Wayne County, but let’s not forget about these precious children across the world in our prayers.
There is always a need for new sponsors, but currently there is a HUGE need for sponsorships. Three sponsors at $40 a month sponsor one child in Cambodia and four sponsors at $40 a month sponsor one child in Thailand. In total, Grace Church is in need of 18 more sponsors to support our current homes and children. Maybe God is asking you to consider sponsorship… if so, contact Juana for more information or sign up here.
Would you pray with us that we find between one and four sponsors for each of these children:
Kanokwan, age 12, Thailand
Wilai, age 12, Thailand
Tanadon, age 12, Thailand
Padipu, age 14, Thailand
Gahae, age 15, Thailand
Supatra, age 15, Thailand
Joharo, age 18, Thailand
Ming Taing Seav, age 19, Cambodia (working to finish college in the next 3 years!)
Srey Pin Tokla, age 6, Cambodia
Srey Yoth Kong, age 5, Cambodia
Nga Boeun, age 19, Cambodia
Kim Hab Kan, age 12, Cambodia
Learn more about our homes and Asia’s Hope.