Pastor David Lawson, Administrative Pastor
I’m a statistic.
And I’m grateful. I’m one of the dozens of people influenced by this church to not only pursue my full potential in Jesus Christ but to also give my life to vocational ministry.
Someone believed in me. Someone gave me a chance. Someone gave me an opportunity. Someone invested in me. Someone prayed for me. Someone taught me. Someone was gracious toward me. I have had the opportunity to pursue my full potential in Christ because someone believed in what Christ was doing in me. Someone believed in me when there were times I didn’t believe in myself. I am a product of our church’s commitment to the Ephesians 4 mandate to equip [God’s] people for works of service.
Giving people a chance is part of the cultural fabric of our church.
We believe in people here. More accurately, we believe in what God is doing in people. We believe that people who have been set free in Christ have God-ordained missional capacity. And we believe that with the power of the Holy Spirit, they can realize that full potential in Christ. We want to see their hearts set on fire for Kingdom priorities. We want their minds strategizing about how to leverage the gospel into lost communities and people groups – to reach the unreached.
We want to be part of the lives of men and women who will compel others toward Jesus using their relational influence, reflect Jesus with their character, leverage their gifts for the cause of Jesus, and have an unmitigated, unrelenting commitment that God is using the Church – and wants to use them – to proclaim Jesus as the hope of the world.
Some will be housewives, some will be lawyers or doctors or engineers or architects or doctors or nurses, some will be bankers, some will be politicians, some will be teachers or professors or coaches or administrators. Others will be construction workers, business owners, computer scientists, or social workers. And then still others will pursue a burden God places on their hearts to devote their lives to vocational ministry as a pastor or missionary or other Christian worker.
Our internship program is one instrument God uses to develop Christian leaders like these.
Through it we are proclaiming that we believe in what God is doing in the hearts and lives of young men and women. Through it we are saying, “We believe in you. And we want to be used of God to help you reach your full potential in Jesus Christ.”
Since 2001, we have had 62 interns, 27 of whom are currently serving in a full time ministry role. Fifteen (15) of the young men who interned here are currently pastors serving in local churches!
That doesn’t happen without someone – you – believing in what God is doing in these young men and women. Thanks for believing. Thanks for praying. Thanks for giving. Thank you for supporting the work of God through the Greatest Gift Christmas Offering and the internship program at Grace.
**Summer Internships at Grace are funded through the Greatest Gift Christmas Offering.**
Greatest Gift Christmas Offering