Keep Your Peace June 25, 2023 • Dan Owolabi
In a world that is full of chaos and uncertainty, it is difficult to find any semblance of peace. Even in our own private circles, jobs, relationships, children, health and so many other things can make it so that peace seams impossible. In today’s message, Dan Owolabi teaches on peace and how it is something that is very much achievable and sustainable. We learn about how we can choose peace and benefit from a clear focus and perspective.
The Oneness Jesus Prayed For July 02, 2023 • Matt Carter
Unity is something we all want in our relationships, but too often we miss out on truly living unified with one another. Did you know that Jesus, on what was the most stressful night of his life, prayed that YOU would experience unity in relationship with others? Don’t miss that! Jesus prayed for you! And if Jesus prayed for unity, then we should pursue it. WATCH today’s message as Matt Carter gives us practical steps to take in order to live in the oneness that Jesus prayed for.
Jesus Calms the Sea July 09, 2023 • Steve Kern
Life is full of storms. When we are in the midst of them, we can find ourselves questioning if God really cares about what we’re going through and if He can do anything about it. In today’s message Pastor Steve Kern shares about how storms in our life can cause us to grow in our relationship with Jesus even while not knowing all the answers.
Multiplying the Gospel July 16, 2023 • Mark Artrip
While we all are at different stages in our faith and interaction with Jesus, we have an interest in what’s next…what are our next steps? Where do we go from here? How can I be used to be a part of this movement? In today’s message, Pastor Mark Artrip talks about the power of movement and how we can use it as a catalyst for our faith.
Awesome. I Have It.
Your couch. It is mine.
I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!