The Invitation

Follow Me

Life change is really just an invitation away. It’s true today and it was true thousands of years ago when a couple of fishermen responded to an invitation from Jesus: “follow me.” Watch this message as Pastor Nick talks about the invitation to us and others, this Christmas season.

Come and See

The word “evangelism” can sound intimidating and make us think, “I’m not well-spoken!” or “I don’t know enough theology.” But in reality, it can start with a simple invitation to “come and see.” Watch this message to learn more from Dan Owolabi about the power of an invitation.

Come to Me

We are busier than ever. We are more tired than ever. But how do we find rest? How do we become fulfilled? Jesus came to us to invite us to Him. he will fulfill us more than anything else. Watch this message to learn more about how Jesus can give us the soul-level rest we all need.

Awesome. I Have It.

Your couch. It is mine.

I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!