Spoiler Alert
Serpent Crusher! March 10, 2024 • Nick Cleveland
There is a battle going on. We are in a war. Well, here’s your spoiler alert…Jesus wins. We have an enemy, that’s satan, and he wants to destroy our lives. Sometimes the enemy wins the battle. But Jesus already won the war! In Genesis 3 God lays it out: Jesus is the Serpent Crusher! We can be confident that we are with the champ. Spoiler alert…we have the victory because we’re with Jesus.
Suffering Servant! March 17, 2024 • Nick Cleveland
We all have heroes, someone we look up to, someone we believe will save us from danger, or someone that will perform the way we expect them to. The people in the prophet Isaiah’s time were waiting for a hero, and in Isaiah 53, we see the prophet prepare the people for their hero—the Messiah. In this message, Pastor Nick teaches from this passage, written 700 years before Jesus was born. It’s a passage that verifies that this wasn’t just another baby. He is the suffering servant who came to save us. Spoiler alert…Jesus is the real hero.
Reigning King! March 24, 2024 • Nick Cleveland
We often obsess over royalty because we are looking for a leader. The truth is, there’s only room for one king in your life. So the question is, who or what is seated on that throne? In this message, Pastor Nick teaches about how Jesus fulfilled three predictions made by two prophets hundreds of years before Jesus was even born. Spoiler Alert…Jesus is king! And He’s the only one who deserves the throne in your heart.
Awesome. I Have It.
Your couch. It is mine.
I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!