Savor The Summer

We love our homes and spaces.  We watch HGTV and hear phrases like oasis, retreat, and privacy. We use our homes for isolation, relaxation, and entertainment. God is hospitable to us and wants us to be hospitable to others. Hospitality is the secret weapon that can change the world.

The Secret Weapon

We love our homes and spaces.  We watch HGTV and hear phrases like oasis, retreat, and privacy. We use our homes for isolation, relaxation, and entertainment. God is hospitable to us and wants us to be hospitable to others. Hospitality is the secret weapon that can change the world.

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How To Be A Neighbor

Today we’ll be asking the questions, who are my neighbors and what do they care about? The secret weapon to change the world is hospitality. It’s time to rethink what being a good neighbor actually looks like.

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Putting The 'Hospital' In Hospitality

You might be ordinary, but you’re not insignificant. Learn how you can make a difference in today’s message as we wrap our series, “Savor the Summer.”

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Awesome. I Have It.

Your couch. It is mine.

I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!