Ruth Chapter 1 - Velcro February 05, 2017 • Nick Cleveland
Have you ever experienced disappointment? Disappointment with people? God? Life? Today we study the first chapter in the book of Ruth to discover how we can and should respond when a crisis hits.
Ruth Chapter 3 - Purity February 19, 2017 • Bob Fetterhoff
The third chapter of the ancient book of Ruth demonstrates how Ruth lived counter-culturally and was blessed by God for it. She was a woman of character. This week, Pastor Bob teaches through the chapter and shares 3 qualities of a person with character.
Ruth Chapter 4 - Redemption February 26, 2017 • Nick Cleveland
We live in a throw-away world. We live for the moment. Once something or someone grows too familiar, we tend to discard or devalue it. Then we look for something or someone new to excite us. Today we discover that there is great joy and real prosperity in choosing to honor God over the long-haul in life.
Awesome. I Have It.
Your couch. It is mine.
I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!