Real Hope
"Tell A Better Story" Featuring Clayton and Sharie King October 23, 2016 • Clayton King
Special Guests Clayton and Sharie King shared their story and challenged everyone to “tell a better story” by committing to a relationship with Jesus.
Got Hope? October 30, 2016 • Nick Cleveland
It’s easy to place our hope in wrong things that end up failing us in the end. The bible points to a everlasting hope that never fails; a hope that is like an anchor for our souls when the storms of life come. Watch this week’s message to find out more.
Hope For The Nation November 06, 2016 • Bob Fetterhoff
We are facing a major historical moment in our nation this week. The election of a president is a big deal but with it comes a whole bunch of empty campaign promises. We’ve all learned to not put our hope in elections. But God has something for our entire nation to put our hope in…His church. Imagine what kind of country we would have if we lived out the hope we have!
Hope For The Family November 13, 2016 • Tim Boucher
We all have stories of heartbreak within our families that leave us wondering if there is any hope at all. Grace Kids Director Tim Boucher explains how to find real hope for your family.
Giving Hope November 20, 2016 • Nick Cleveland
We all want to be rich on some level. And none of us thinks we are rich. For us, rich isn’t just having extra it’s having more extra than the person who has more extra than you! We can all be tempted to chase money believing it buys real hope.
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Awesome. I Have It.
Your couch. It is mine.
I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!