Life’s Too Short

The current life expectancy is just about 73 years old. When you think about it, that’s not a lot of time. When you graduate high school, you’ve lived 25% of your life. When you become a grandparent, you have usually lived 68% of your life. Before you know it, you’re grown up and having kids. Before you know it, your kids are graduating high school, going to college, entering the workforce, getting married, having kids of their own. Soon, you’re thinking “I’m turning what age this year?! That can’t be!” Time really flies.

That’s why, in this series, we’re looking at why life is too short to not do certain things.

Life's Too Short to Waste Time

There are a lot of time wasters out there… distractions, boredom, busyness, comparison, etc. Join us as Pastor Nick shows us how to make the most of the opportunities that we have.

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Life's Too Short to be Bitter

Have you ever heard someone complain then say “not that I’m bitter or anything”? Anger is over a present situation and hurt. Bitterness is when it keeps coming up from the past. And if we’re honest, we have all dealt with bitterness. But in this message, Pastor Nick tells us why Life is Too Short to be Bitter and how we can overcome it.

You can also download the app to watch HERE

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Life's Too Short to Lie

If we’re honest, we all tell little white lies, here and there. As parents, we may tell our kids “you’re grounded for life” or we may even tell a lie to avoid confrontation. In this video we will learn why lying is not the best for our lives and how we can be truth tellers…. because life is too short to live a lie.

You can also download the app to watch HERE

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Life's Too Short to Miss the Best Relationship

Life moves quickly and so we don’t want to spend our time on something trivial. That’s why Life is too short to miss out on a relationship with Jesus! Pastor Nick explains.

You can also download the app to watch HERE

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Awesome. I Have It.

Your couch. It is mine.

I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!