Jonah: A Man On the Run

Jonah: A Man On the Run

Maybe you grew up in church and know the story of Jonah. Maybe you think it’s just a fun story for kids about a big fish. Is it possible that there’s more to the story, that maybe there’s more truth in this story than we realize? In this message, we’re reminded that we’re more like Jonah than we may realize. There will always be a ship sailing in the wrong direction, and our running will always affect other people. But the good news is that God will always provide a way back. Check out this message of hope for your life.

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May I Have Your Attention, Please?

Have you ever felt like God is paying you back for something you’ve done? When life isn’t going right, it’s easy to feel that way. But what if what feels like God paying us back is actually him bringing us back? Watch this message to discover what happens when we surrender, repent, give God our attention and stop holding onto the things holding us back.

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The God of Second Chances

We all love getting a second chance when we’ve messed up. In this series, we’ve learned that Jonah messed up when he ran from where God was calling him to. If you haven’t watched the previous messages, we encourage you to check them out! But in today’s message, Pastor Billy picks up in the story where Jonah has just been given a second chance. Covered in water, sand and fish vomit, Jonah is given a second chance by God. And this time, he chooses to obey. He uses the second chance he’s been given. And here’s the cool thin…we serve that same God–the God of second chances. But the choice is still yours: What are you going to do with your chance?

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When Hurt Holds You Hostage

We’ve all been hurt before. Maybe it was something someone did, or the way somebody let you down and you are still hurt by it. Jonah felt this way. His hurt and his bitterness towards the Ninevites caused him to overreact and overlook God’s mercy in his own life. What we see in chapter four of Jonah is the reality of how our bitterness keeps us stuck and it keeps us bruised. Are you ready to move on from your hurt, to stop letting it hold you hostage? Watch this message to see how to let go of the hurt that keeps you stuck and bruised.

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Here's Your Sign!

Do you ever miss what’s right in front of you? Sometimes we just want a sign in life that’s big and obvious, but even then we can still miss it. What Jesus said to the Pharisees in Matthew 12:38-41 is the same thing He’s saying to us today: the story of Jonah is a sign to show us our sin. Whether we want to admit it or not, we are just like Jonah. And while this story causes us to see our sin, it also causes us to see a Savior.

That’s our sign. Don’t miss it! Jonah isn’t just a story about a big fish. Even more than that, it’s a story about a big God.

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Awesome. I Have It.

Your couch. It is mine.

I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!