How To Get Through What You’re Going Through

From Adversity to Resilience

Have you ever felt like there was no way through what you’re going through? This week we start a new series, How to Get Through What You’re Going Through, all about how to build resilience to get through life’s challenges. Watch as Clayton King shares his own journey from adversity to resilience.

The Cost of Quitting

It can be easy to quit in situations where we’re discouraged, defeated, anxious or just tired. But it’s costly to quit. There’s a lot on the other side of quitting: dreams, relationships, finances and more. Watch this message to hear more about how to defeat the temptation to quit, even when it seems too difficult to keep going.

The Pressure to Compromise

We are constantly pressured to compromise. we are constantly faced with temptation and pressure to live a life less than the one God has for us. It can feel overwhelming. Is it even possible to get through that pressure? Well, we believe the answer is yes. Not only can you get through it, but you can thrive in it. If you’ve felt like you’re at a crossroads of whether to compromise—to fit in—or to stand firm and stand out, then this message is for you. Watch as Pastor Billy teaches from the story and life of Daniel, someone who not only got through the pressures to compromise, but thrived in it.

In the Absence of Approval

We often desire to feel supported, loved and approved by others. But what happens when we don’t get that approval? When it feels like what people what to see isn’t who God created me to be? How do we live in the absence of approval? Watch this message as our Weekend Teacher Dan Owolabi brings truth from 1 Samuel about how to live in the absence of approval.

The Power of Perseverance

It can be difficult to carry on when life knocks us down. But did you know that you are resilient? And here’s the truth: you can get through what you’re going through, but only if you’re willing to go through it. The only way to come out on the other side of what you’re going through is to persevere through it. In this final message of this series, Pastor Nick shares from the life of Joseph about the power of perseverance.

Awesome. I Have It.

Your couch. It is mine.

I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!