How are you…really?

How are you? Now, how are you…really?
That’s the question that we are looking at for this brand new series.

I'm Afraid

How are you? Now, how are you…really?
That’s the question that we are looking at for this brand new series. Join us live for church this morning as we tackle the topic of fear.


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I'm Empty

Ever feel drained or even empty? As we continue our series, ‘How are you… really?’ Pastor Nick will be addressing the question, ‘what drains you?’ and what to do when you feel empty…



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I'm Mad

Has anything frustrated you this week? Maybe even irritated you or made you angry? Today, Pastor Dave Lawson continues our ‘How Are You…Really?’ series with a message all about being mad.


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I'm Hurt

Has life been hurting you? Has it left you feeling unworthy, unlovable or unqualified to be used by God? Tune in with us today – Pastor Nick gives 3 lessons to respond to pain.



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I'm Stuck

Listen to the sermon

Awesome. I Have It.

Your couch. It is mine.

I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!