Giving Up on God

>Life is hard. We all experience pain or loss. We all deal with some kind of doubt. We’ve all felt completely alone or abandoned at some point. We all come face to face with fear or worry. It’s a lot to handle and it’s enough to make you want to give up sometimes… even on God. But what if instead of giving up ON God when we face these struggles, we leaned into truth and gave up these things TO God? What if we chose to trust in WHO HE is and WHAT HE does? What if your doubts, fears, hurts, and hang-ups were actually a gateway to a deeper, lasting faith?

Dealing with Doubt

We all doubt. And maybe your doubts have caused you to give up on God. But just because you have doubts, doesn’t mean you don’t have faith. In fact, watch to find out how doubt can be a doorway to deeper faith.

You can also download the app to watch HERE

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Fight Fear

We all have fears. But are our fears keeping us from God and His full potential for our lives? Watch to see how God can actually give us peace in our fear.

You can also download the app to watch HERE

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Life Hurts; God Heals

Life hurts. The question is, what do we do with the pain. Listen in to see how God can use your pain when we stop denying it and give it to Him.

You can also download the app to watch HERE

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When Everyone Walks Away

It’s easy to fall into the same patterns as the world around you.  But what about what do you do when everyone else walks away from Jesus? Stay true, or follow them? Listen in to hear the value in following Jesus even if everyone else walks away.

You can also download the app to watch HERE

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Sinkhole Faith

What do you base your life on? Success? Relationships? Security? And what might happen when one of those fails? Your faith in Jesus can either be founded on a firm foundation, or it can turn into a sinkhole faith. You don’t want to miss this!

You can also download the app to watch HERE

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Awesome. I Have It.

Your couch. It is mine.

I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!