
We’re talking about the Greatest Of All Time

Who is the GOAT?

Happy Easter! Here at Grace, we are thrilled to celebrate the God who predicted His own death and resurrection and then pulled it off! Because of Him, we have life! In this message, Pastor Nick kicks off our series all about Jesus being the true G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time) by talking about the resurrection and how it’s the greatest win of all time and can be the same for you!

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People all around are on the never ending pursuit of happiness and are told that our priority in life should be to do whatever brings us happiness. We all know just how empty that is. We think we have found something that makes us happy only for it to leave us empty. In today’s message, Pastor Nick talks about how the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) is the greatest sermon of all time because it kicks off by telling us how to be truly happy! This is a happiness that leads to blessing and will last forever!

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Built to Last

At the end of Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount includes a section of Scripture where He encourages those around Him to put into practice what they just heard. In today’s message, Pastor Billy talks about how we can have a firm foundations in Christ and how, regardless of the storms that will certainly come, we will remain standing in Him!

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The Greatest Leader

With so many great leaders in our world today, you may find yourself asking who the greatest is. How do you gauge that? By what they say? By how many followers they have? In today’s message, Pastor Nick teaches on Jesus’ posture, not position, of greatness and how we can look out for other’s interests above our own. That is what makes us a great leader!

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The Greatest Mission

In this message, Pastor Nick talks about the greatest mission of all time and isn’t what you may think of. At the very end of Matthew, Jesus sends His disciples out into the world to preach the good news of Jesus, make disciples and baptize them. In the same way, we have been called to do the same! We learn about how we can be a part of the mission and help influence those around us, and around the world, for Christ!

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Awesome. I Have It.

Your couch. It is mine.

I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!