Sue Rumburg
Every parent wants the absolute best for their child. They have hopes and aspirations for their future. When your child is diagnosed with a disability, you still want those same things. You want them to reach their fullest potential. You want them to experience the joy of childhood as best as they can. Imagine taking your child to a playground or park where none of the equipment would have the safety features they would need to participate with other children. They would be sitting on the sidelines watching the other children having fun. Their disability prevents them from experiencing even the simplest activities that other children get to participate in every day.
This new playground at Ida Sue is just so exciting to me! I am thrilled and grateful that our church has chosen to participate in this project to bless these precious children! This playground will include equipment with safety features that will allow children to experience this sort of play – maybe for the first time.
Children who are confined to a wheelchair get to stretch tired muscles and just be more comfortable by being in different positions. Children with disabilities have a wide variety of needs, but many benefit from sensory therapy. The equipment installed in this playground will address those sensory needs. When a child with sensory needs gets those needs met, benefits abound. Swinging in a sensory swing for example, provides a longer attention span when returning to the classroom, better focus, better behavior, etc.
When a child has a better day at school, soon the benefits will be seen at home too. The biggest blessing from a project like this will be joy – the pure joy that will be on the faces of these kids as they get to do the one thing they want most – to just be a kid.
Let’s give joy to kids in Wayne County.
Donate to the Playground Project