Will you join us in prayer for our nation tomorrow (Thursday, May 4th) for National Day of Prayer? Regardless of our political affiliation, let’s agree to our responsibility to pray for our nation and leaders. Romans 12:12 reminds us to be, “…faithful in prayer.” Can you imagine the impact we could have if everyone stopped and prayed together this Thursday? When we pray, God responds. Here are four ways to pray for our country:
Stand in the gap and pray for our LEADERS!
- We need to pray for people that are in positions of authority and leading! Pray for educators, judges, police chiefs, school board members, military officials, elected officials and so many more.
- Pray for wisdom and humility as they are making decisions that will impact so many people’s lives and even generations to come.
Pray for our nation/our land to succeed.
- What a privilege to live in America with rights and freedoms that many will never experience. We can’t take for granted the people on whose shoulders we stand who protect our freedom.
- Ask for God to bless our land and to use it for his purposes.
- Pray that his will is done and that he is glorified here.
Pray for people.
- People matter. People’s lives matter. If we aren’t living to create a better life for people, to help people, to do good, to share love with one another… what’s the purpose of having a great nation? God is for people. We should be too.
Express your dependence on God and your trust in His plans.
- We must fervently seek and ask for wisdom so we can leverage our influence for good and God’s plan. We must ask for humility. We must ask for His Kingdom to be advanced.
If you’d like to join others from Wayne County, there will be a National Day of Prayer breakfast held at shelter with the flag at the Wayne County Fairgrounds at 7am (tomorrow) Thursday, May 4. [Coffee and donuts provided.]