Ethnos360 Bible Institute

Andrew & Sara Royer have had a stirring in their hearts to be involved in God’s work overseas for many years. It has been their desire to see the light of the gospel dawn among nations who are still in darkness. Andrew and Sara followed God’s calling and moved their family to Brazil in 2013 to train missionaries with New Tribes Mission [now Ethnos360]. Andrew & Sara are currently serving in the US, providing leadership and training for missionary candidates who will plant churches among unreached peoples. Andrew is the president of Ethnos360 Bible Institute [EBI] and teaches Bible. Sara is involved in mentoring ladies and serves in various roles. Their focus is preparing potential missionary candidates with a solid understanding of God’s word, and godly character. They reside in Waukesha, WI.


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United States
Leadership Development
Partnering Ministry
Ethnos360 Bible Institute
Name of Partner
Andy & Sara Royer
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