Wouldn’t it be great to be able to recall a verse when you need it?

What if 2018 was the year you passionately dove into God’s Word and gave Him a chance to change you? There’s always a next step but that step of faith is a response to spending time with God and His Word. Here’s a list of of Bible verses for you to commit to memory this year, full of God’s promises. You don’t have to memorize them all, but how cool would it be if you did? Start small, and develop an attainable plan. Memorizing God’s Word will change you from the inside out!

New Life

Christ the Center2 Corinthians 5:17Galatians 2:20
Obedience to ChristRomans 12:1John 14:21
The Word2 Timothy 3:16Joshua 1:8
PrayerJohn 15:17Philippians 4:6,7
FellowshipMatthew 18:20Hebrews 10:24,25
WitnessingMatthew 4:19Romans 1:16


Good News

All have SinnedRomans 3:23Isaiah 53:6
Sin’s PenaltyRomans 6:23Hebrews 9:27
Christ Paid the PenaltyRomans 5:81 Peter 3:18
Salvation is Not by WorksEphesians 2:8,9Titus 3:5
Must Receive ChristJohn 1:9Revelation 3:20
Assurance of Salvation1 John 5:13John 5:24


Relying on God

His Spirit1 Corinthians 3:161 Corinthians 2:12
His StrengthIsaiah 41:10Philippians 4:13
His FaithfulnessLamentations 3:22,23Numbers 23:19
His PeaceIsaiah 26:31 Peter 5:7
His ProvisionRomans 8:32Philippians 4:19
His Help in TemptationHebrews 2:18Psalms 119:9,11


Following Christ

Put Christ FirstMatthew 6:33Luke 9:23
Separate from the World1 John 2:15,16Romans 12:2
Be Steadfast1 Corinthians 15:58Hebrews 12:3
Serve OthersMark 10:452 Corinthians 4:5
Give GenerouslyProverbs 3:9,102 Corinthians 9:6,7
Develop World VisionActs 1:8Matthew28:19,20


Taking Your Next Step

LoveJohn 13:34,351 John 3:18
HumilityPhilippians 2:3,41 Peter 5:5,6
PurityEphesians 5:31 Peter 2:11
HonestyLeviticus 19:11Acts 24:16
FaithHebrews 11:6Romans 4:20,21
Good WorksGalatians 6:9,10Matthew 5:16


We know the beginning of the new year can be hectic with winter weather, changes back into school/work routines, and trying to stay healthy. If you’ve missed the first few weeks of our series, Jump Start, you can watch on our app or at https://graceforohio.org/series/jumpstart/.