Jake Lawson
What an incredible morning we experienced on Sunday! We learned about how our appetites, if left unchecked, can lead to forfeited futures. There were three observations from the story of Jacob and Esau that we discover: Appetites are 1) created by God but distorted by sin, 2) yell “now” loudly and 3) are only satisfied in a relationship with Jesus.
However, it is possible to control your cravings and manage your appetites. If you want to know how to avoid being your own worst enemy, you begin when you choose your destiny over your desire. God wants to do something special in and through you. Are there any “bowls of soup” in your life that could very well forfeit your future? What steps are you going to take in order to guard against that?
Nick posed three questions that could transform the rest of your life and will build boundaries to control your cravings:
1. What do I want my life to be like in 5 years?
When you think 5 or 10 years in the future, what comes to mind? What do you want God to accomplish in and through you by that time? Think about your marriage, children, grandchildren, profession, community, school, church, etc. What is your vision?
2. What appetite could sabotage my future?
You can’t defeat what you don’t define. Declare what your “bowl of soup” is or might be. What is it that you’re trying to talk yourself into? What is it in your life that you’re having a hard time saying “no” to? What is it that you’re being tempted to trade for God’s plan in your life?
3. What boundary will I build to control it?
What will you do to ensure the appetite doesn’t go unchecked? Who will you invite to be on the journey with you? Who will you be gut-level honest with about your battle? Who has the authority to call you on it – someone that you love and trust?
These three questions, if taken seriously, certainly have the potential to change the course of your life! All of us should be challenged to take an honest inventory of our lives and think of our “bowl of soup(s)” in our lives and take the necessary steps to cast them aside and pursue the full, satisfying and extraordinary life that God intends for us!
We can’t wait to see the impact this exercise will have on us individually and collectively as a church!
Join us Sunday for Church