Pastor Nick Cleveland
A New Year always comes with some excitement and some fear. It’s exciting because we don’t know what the New Year will bring with it. It’s scary for the exact same reason. I know at this time of the year I catch myself wondering what will happen in the next year and how life will be different. I wonder who will be born, who will pass away, and what changes will occur.
A new year is a new opportunity. We turn the page from one year into the next. We celebrate all that God did in 2017 and rejoice at the many next steps taken and lives changed. I believe 2018 is going to be an incredible year for Grace Church! I am excited to share with you something new to look forward to in 2018.
As you know, our mission is to develop all people into fully devoted followers of Christ and our vision is to multiply our influence in Wayne County, in our region, and around the world. To do that we need to make some more room in our Sunday services. When you have 3 hours of services like our current 9, 10:15, & 11:30 service hours, the middle hour always becomes the most full. And we have seen over and over again our 10:15 contemporary venue reach its capacity. So we need to make room for those who need to hear about the hope found in Jesus. And we need your help to make room.
On Sunday, February 4th we will launch a new venue at Grace Church during the 10:15 hour in the Student Ministry Center! This venue will feature a live band and will use video teaching. Instead of picturing rows of chairs like a normal venue this new service will feature circle tables, discussion, and lots of coffee! This will be a great venue to discover and explore the claims of Jesus Christ! We need your help to make room for others! Here is how you can help:
Pray – begin praying about leaders for this new venue. Pray for those you might invite to join you at church having space for guests in every hour.
Volunteer – maybe you can volunteer to serve this venue in worship, technical ministries, or first impressions.
Attend – potentially consider attending this venue as a part of a launch team for 6-12 months.
Invite – we want everyone to be inviting friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors to join you at Grace Church. This new venue creates space for guests in every venue at every hour. Start inviting now!
I am excited for what God is going to do in and through this new venue and new opportunity. Would you help us make room to multiply our influence for the name of Jesus Christ?