Picture in your mind that you are visiting a camp… it may be at a soccer field or near Lake Erie or maybe right here at our church… now visualize in your mind as you look over the field, beach or hallway, groups of kids and leaders sitting in a circle… and you know as you observe these groups that each group is talking about the hope they have in Jesus…

The most exciting part of Merge Camp, Grace Kids Soccer Camp and Grace Kids Camp is that we get to see that scene you just pictured over and over again!! And in those groups we had the privilege to see 41 kids give their lives to Jesus for the first time this summer! (3 at Merge Camp / 13 at Soccer Camp / 25 at Grace Kids Camp) and another 59 who made decisions to follow closer to Jesus. That is something to CELEBRATE!!

One boy gave his life to Jesus during Soccer Camp and told his coach that he is the only person in his family that believes in Jesus…Imagine what God may do through that boy’s life!

Or another child who said that before camp he didn’t know about Jesus, but now he does!

Such simple child-like faith!

Join us in celebrating the following numbers, because every number has a name, every name has a story and every story matters to God!

  • Merge Camp: 51 kids / 3 first time decisions
  • Grace Kids Soccer Camp: 256 kids / 13 first time decisions
  • Grace Kids Camp: 412 kids / 25 first time decisions!

Thank you Church for praying, leading and investing in the lives of the kids here in Wayne County! We are proud to serve beside you!

Tim Boucher, Grace Kids Director