It didn’t take long for me to realize that this marriage wasn’t going to be sunshine and cupcakes all the time. One of our first fights was over Aunt Jemima – maple syrup that is. Does it go in the pantry, or the refrigerator? It was one of those moments that seemed disastrous at the time, but looking back, I realize it was a moment that we needed, it taught us to surrender and it made us grow together; I never would have expected that putting my maple syrup in the refrigerator would help me learn such humility even in the years to come. While my marriage hasn’t always been easy, it also didn’t take me long to realize it was beyond worth it. Here are 3 things that have helped strengthen my marriage.
1.) Go On Awesome Dates!
Just because I’m married, doesn’t mean dating ended. In fact, dating your spouse should get more interesting and more fun over time… not less. Marriage takes intentionality. Take time to plan creative and memorable dates with one another, they don’t have to cost much either! Grace recently challenged all married couples to the #20dollardatechallenge, it’s easy:
Go on a $20 date
Take a memorable picture together
Post your photo on social media with #20dollardatechallenge and @gracechurchwoo
**Plus, you’ll get entered to win a weekend getaway to Gervasi Villas –bonus!**
2.) Take the Love Language Quiz!
Often it seems that my spouse and I are speaking two different languages! We discovered early on that everyone has a language in which they communicate love. You can take the 5 love languages quiz to discover each other’s love language and how to speak it. A few extra tips to really ‘wow’ your spouse and communicate your love for them:
Learn a few simple tips on how to speak your spouse’s love language.
Have the Bible App? Check out a reading plan called “The 5 love languages for Him/Her” for some great insights!
Check out Gary Chapman’s book “The 5 Love Languages.”
3.) It isn’t all Sunshine and Cupcakes…
BUT it is worth it. God created us to live in community with one another, to bear one another’s burdens and to champion and support each other. Believe it or not, you are not the first married couple to have struggles. Do what it takes to strengthen your marriage and love each other well. Here are a few blogs and resources we pulled together that you might find encouraging when you feel down about your marriage:
3 Things we love about marriage – Sharie King Blog
Mingling of Souls – Matt Chandler Marriage Conference
Les & Leslie – Marriage Devotionals
From This Day Forward – Book by Craig & Amy Groeschel
God not only wants your marriage to survive, but thrive! “Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” Mark 10:9