FOR You! September 18, 2022 • Nick Cleveland
We love to be for and lend our support to something. However, in our day and age, when we are for something, we tend to be immediately grouped with people who against another thing. People seem to be crystal clear in what they are against. However, we, as the Church, need to be known more for who we are FOR rather than who or what we are against. In this message, Pastor Nick speaks about God being FOR you and the implications that come from that!
A Place FOR Everyone! September 25, 2022 • David Lawson
Connection is so important. Sure, we may have people that we would say are FOR us but, when you really think about it, are they really FOR you? In this message, Pastor Dave teaches on the early church and how they modeled a body of believers being FOR one another other. Ultimately, life change will only come through Jesus! We were encouraged to attend church consistently and get plugged in so that we can be FOR one another!
FOR You, Not From You! October 02, 2022 • Nick Cleveland
When people think of being asked to serve on a Sunday morning, they find it awfully demanding because of the work week they just completed. It may seem like more being dropped on your plate. However, it is through serving that life change can become even more evident! In this message, Pastor Nick speaks on the topic of serving and how impactful it can be and how important it is for our faith and those around us. Have you been attending Grace and wondered how you can get plugged into the ministry here? Check out this message to find out!
Who Is The Church FOR? October 09, 2022 • Nick Cleveland
Have you ever felt stuck in your faith? Have you ever wondered how to keep your faith alive? In this message, Pastor Nick concluded our FOR series by talking about how Jesus told his followers to have a love for Him and also for those who He loves! Want to know how to keep your faith alive? Listen in!
Awesome. I Have It.
Your couch. It is mine.
I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!