Like baptism, communion is an ordinance that Jesus commands all Christ followers to repeat. His command is for OUR benefit. Remembering the past, present, and future work of Jesus draws us closer to Him, deepens our gratitude, and strengthens our faith. We are excited to celebrate communion as a church! This is the perfect time to lean into timeless and central truths about who Jesus is and what He has done.

All of our communion services will include the Love Feast, Foot Washing, and the Bread and Cup. There will also be childcare at all services.

RSVP for Wooster

RSVP for Medina



Wednesday, November 20 at 6:30 – Wooster Campus
Thursday, November 21 at 6:30 pm – Wooster Campus & Medina Campus
Wednesday November 20 at 11:00am (Grace Legacy Senior Adults)